Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Since I last posted, Mom had a kitten. Having had some kittens myself, I know a little of what she went through, so I was kept pretty busy this past year overseeing her pregnancy. I had to be there to sniff her and comfort her when she went through some of the worst parts. But, she didn't even invite me to the birthing box! I didn't know right away that she brought the kitten home with her, but ran to meet her at the door. When I saw it, sleeping in the little chair they call a carseat, well! I was immediately on high alert, and sure enough! That little baby took ALL of mom's attention! She even used her special voice to talk to it. I sulked and schemed for a few hours, but then I had to fight Skimble, because the pecking order had been called into question with this new human in the house. Luckily for Skimble, it only took a couple days for me to convince him that I was STILL the BOSS! Now that I'm more resigned to it, I get to be the boss of the kitten too, though. If the kitten cries, I get to yell at it, and at Mom to get her to do something about it. However, this kitten seems to be a quiet one, and Mom gives me some special attention time when it's sleeping, so I guess I'm ok with it staying for now. I just hope that Mom quits saying "See the kitty?" soon! Purrs